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Storywork and Expressive Arts

Erin Luginbuhl Burkholder, LMHC, RPT

Therapy for Adults

You’ve been here before. Seeking out counseling services to manage the panic, ease the depression and calm the restlessness in your head, but you’ve danced around the bigger issue for some time.

When your previous therapist broached the topic, you quickly deflected and tried to move on. After all, you just wanted to feel less depressed (less anxious, less lonely), not dissect everything about your childhood.

It was one thing to acknowledge it and another to move into it. Not yet.

But, it’s been nagging you since then.

Popping up in different ways–making yourself small, too afraid to take up space; constantly seeking approval from your boss; dismissing and apologizing for your own needs; afraid to say what you feel for fear of losing those closest to you.

Our clients are just like you.

Adults who hesitate moving into childhood wounds though deep down they know their story and experience has significance.

Using expressive arts therapy, we come alongside adults who find themselves ready to reclaim lost parts of who they are by examining how their childhood has impacted the way they view themselves, relationships and the world.


Phone Number


Office Address

600 East Colonial Drive

Suite 220

Orlando, FL 32803